Tag Archives: acrylic
Dogeater Panel 3
He walks across a rice paddy to rescue a dog trapped in wire. It’s Sunday morning. He’s drunk and afraid of dogs. While walking he talks about 1) Mongolia, where he developed his fear of dogs. [roving packs of wild dogs.] 2) Borneo, where they kick dogs. [kick.] 3) Breugel’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus [cliffs, harbor town, guy ploughing, ship, sheep and a dog, Icarus’s legs, part of a wing.]
Dogeater Panel 2
My ex-husband sent me a story called Dogeater. It’s about him, of course. He’s living in Korea, where he actually lives. He rescues a dog.
Dogeater Panel 1
Dogeater: graphic novel on wood panel
No dogs will be harmed in the making of this graphic novel on panel. One bit of door will be soundly abused, and a quantity of acrylic media wasted, according to some. And I’m breaking a promise. I’ll get to that soon–like panel 5.
New windows
Really they’re old windows but they’re new to me. Via Rick and Laura; thanks! I know there’s gonna be paint all over them, nothin left to do but figure out
exactly WHERE all the paint GOES. Pieca cake!
The plan is a landscape using my own photos from somewhere in Italy. Next step: picking the photos.
New landscape

Somewhere on the road from Venice to Rome
Acrylic and marker on 24 x 48-inch canvas. The canvas is about an inch and a half thick; sides will be painted so it doesn’t need a frame.
I like the black on black but it is a little hard to photograph.
Two new cityscapes nearly done

Cortona Fruit Stand
- New cityscape–Rome
Latest cityscapes, nearly done: acrylic, mixed media and collage on panel. They are 26 x 36 and 36 x 28, and about an inch and a half thick. Images are drawn with marker from my own photos. Collage is clippings from The New York Times, various Italian newspapers, and other miscellaneous publications that tickle my fancy (and have the right kind of paper).