Author Archives: Stephanie Bucholz
New Cityscapes: San Francisco
Started these almost immediately after my November weekend in San Francisco. I put aside everything else I was working on, just wanting to dwell there a bit longer. Working fast and loose, not getting too careful. Could be done this month.
62 Prince Street
I brought this painting to Art One yesterday. It may have a buyer already, a really nice guy who lives in West Chelsea and if he buys it he’s taking it back with him—guess how much I love THAT! You can see some of the progress in earlier posts here and here. It’s marker, acrylic paint, modeling […]
I’ve been doing these drawings of ads and obstinately not explaining anything. But then I get annoyed when other people do that. So here goes. The drawings seem like parodies which is kind of the point because they are are in fact word-for-word captures of real ads from the front section of the New York Times. I’ll skip the speech […]
Faux pas aux deux
As much as I’d like to, I can’t finish a drawing every day or even every week, def not a painting. I think about doing one of those “Drawing a Day” things but 1. It seems forced. 2. I get bored with those so I’m pretty sure other people would get bored with mine, including me. […]
Bethesda and the Boathouse
One of my favoritest spots in the world, Bethesda Fountain and the Boathouse, Central Park, Manhattan. Some interesting things I learned about Bethesda Fountain when I looked it up on the internets: It’s called Bethesda Fountain. That’s one of those, “knew that once, forgot, will probably forget again” things for me. It was the first […]
To Steven: Happy Anniversary! Love, Gus.
For about the past five months I’ve been working in secret on a painting of my friends Gus and Steven, an anniversay present from Gus to Steven. Per Gus’s specifications I tried to keep some of the original image peeking through. He had seen some of my other painting-over-old-paintings and liked that aspect in […]
The New Me
I was inspired by a photo of me in Heathrow Airport to make a new avatar. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one tired of Zombie Girl.
(More) Old Stuff
Working on new stuff. LOTS of new stuff. MUCH NEW STUFF COMING SOON! Meanwhile, enjoy this woodcut of a headless horse from 1986*. Why headless? Because horse heads are really hard to draw, duh. At least I imagine they are. Clearly I am not the one you should be asking. *Holy cow, that was […]
Why is this man angry? Because he sees me drawing him.
I drew this angry dude on a card and mailed it to my friend Reg in the early 90s when I lived in Tempe and he lived in L.A. He just came across it in his stuff. Inside were more drawings (copies), and me saying I had taken up doodling people at the Coffee Plantation that […]
Points of Return: Fatal Attraction
“Points of Return: Fatal Attraction” is the first in a series of comics about movies. Or maybe it’s the only one, who knows. Can’t tell yet. It’s about this thing I do that helps me go to sleep although that’s not why I do it. Who knows why I do it. I am how I am and […]
Points of Return: Fatal Attraction, panel by panel
Recycle Diamonds
Recycle Diamonds: Actual ad in the New York Times, ink & pixel drawing.
62 Prince Street in progress
62 Prince Street, 36 x 26, acrylic and collage on wood panel 62 Prince Street detail
Patrick “Hrrmmph!”
Patrick, from a texted self-portrait photo accompanied by the above commentary.
Pizza, 16 x 20, marker and acrylics on canvas. Happy Birthday to Todd.
True love has a color and a name
True Love Has a Color and a Name, ink on paper, ad on page 2 of the New York Times, January 8, 2012